Sunday, March 21, 2021

This too shall pass...

 People in the world have been going through some hard things.

There has always been difficulty, but I think that the past year has just amplified the bad that is going on all around us.

When we ourselves are going through a hard time, we often get mired down by it. We wallow in it. We focus on the bad.

But sometimes, it is good to think ahead about a day when what you're going through won't seem quite so terrible. Your baby will sleep, eventually. Our kids will go back to school, eventually. Winter will be over, eventually.

"This too shall pass."

It might sound flippant, but we've all gone through difficult times before, and we've come out on the other side. However, that doesn't mean that we weren't a little worse for the wear.

I heard a quote on the radio, and I immediately wrote it down. The radio announcer said the typical, "This too shall pass." But then she went on to say, "It might pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass."

That means that when we're going through a difficult time, don't expect to just skate through it. It might be hard. It might be painful. It might seem like it's taking forever to resolve.

However, it will pass.


It just may hurt while it's passing.

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