Saturday, July 5, 2014

A real relationship

I love God. I truly do.

But often I still try to fill my life with other things. I guess I don't really believe that God is enough for me.

I want what David had in Psalm 16, saying "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing."

This challenge, which I'm failing at, has made it clear that God isn't No. 1 in my life. Because I'm willing to read a book of the Bible, but I have stunk at spending 15 minutes praying every day. That seems so long and boring to me. It's difficult to have a conversation for that long with no one talking back and no one to look at.

Yet, a relationship does need quality time. The No. 1 person in my life is my husband, and we obviously need to spend time together to make our relationship work. When we spend time together, talking or just doing other activities, it builds our relationship. That constant time is what has made our love strong.

God needs that from me too. He needs me to spend time with him otherwise we won't have a strong relationship, and he won't be No. 1. I can't say "apart from you I have no good thing" unless I truly am in love with God and need him in my life.

"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure."

Wherever we are in life, if we have a strong relationship with God, it's all that we need. If we know that God is in charge and whatever portion and cup we have is because of God, we will know we are secure and we're where we're supposed to be.

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