Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Choose love

Confession: I watch "Real Housewives of Orange County."

I pretend like I don't. I hate admitting to Nate what I have been watching when he comes home and it's on. But it's my guilty pleasure. I've watched it enough seasons now that it's interesting to see how these ladies' lives turn out.

And it's like a train wreck. You can't look away.

But this week, one of the women said she is getting a divorce. She and her husband live apart and only see each other on weekends, and she said they realized they aren't "in love." They are best friends and attracted to each other, but they aren't in love.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again --- Love is a choice. It is not a feeling.

I just wanted to take her and say that. If you love him like a friend and are attracted to him, you can bring back your marriage. It may take some commitment. It may mean actually moving to the same town. It may mean work. It may mean change, but that is a choice.

I think people are so used to divorce being the ending of marriage, that they don't even realize that they can put in some work and make a marriage successful. It's like it's not even an option.

People put work into raising their kids right. People put work into making their job a success. People put work into making their hobbies successful. Yet, somehow marriage escapes the need for work.

Wake up each day and choose to love your spouse. No matter what it takes.

And if you don't believe me --- all the other women on the show were also confused. They have been through divorces and told her to not give up, to work at her marriage. If these crazy broads believe in trying to make a marriage work, you better listen....

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