Sunday, October 21, 2018

The ultimate example

There are times at work that I think, "That's not my job."

But then I notice that my boss is outside mowing or is sifting compost or is grading the driveway, and I think "That's not his job either." It makes me realize that we all have to pitch in where we can to make everything successful.

It's important that a boss set an example for his or her employees, because if they see him or her only doing a small share of the work, then the employees will only do a small share of the work. If they see him or her coming in late, then they will think it's OK to come in late. If they see him or her talking rudely to people, they will think it's OK to talk rudely to people.

Conversely, if a boss sets an example of a positive atmosphere, most employees will probably follow that. If the boss sets an example of honesty and zealousness, the employees will most likely follow. If the boss sets an example of going over and beyond, then the employees will most likely follow.

That goes beyond just the workplace too.

Think of volunteers in your community. Think of people at church. When you are surrounded by lazy people, you can rationalize that you don't need to help out. But if you are surrounded by people who are constantly being selfless, you feel the need to do that too.

Do you see that in your kids? Do they follow your example? Do you see it in your spouse? If you are selfish, does that make them want to be selfless? No. If you are selfless though, it may inspire them to be that way as well.

Jesus set the ultimate example with his life, and with his baptism. When he went to John the Baptist to be baptized, Jesus didn't have any sin to confess. He didn't have to repent and be baptized like John the Baptist was encouraging others to do.

However, Jesus wanted to set an example. If he wasn't baptized, his followers could say, "But Jesus didn't get baptized. Why should I?" In his perfection, he wanted to lead by example. He wanted to submit to baptism to show he was living a life that was right before God and not just right before himself.

We have the ultimate perfect example to follow. Hopefully, if we follow him truly and with our whole hearts, we will inspire others as well.

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