Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Getting to Denver and the best burger sauce

We sat in our grayish-blue plane seats, waiting to roll back from the gate when the dreaded announcement came.

"Due to weather, Denver has stopped all inbound flights at their gates until they can further assess. They will let us know more in a half hour."

OK, a half hour, not so bad.

After that half hour --- "Denver is not allowing us to take off right now. They will make a decision in 90 minutes."

We only had two full days in the Denver area with our friends, and the weather where we were wasn't getting any better either.

Lord, please let us get to Denver tonight.

The minute the thought crossed my mind, I felt guilty. There are so many people worse off than maybe having a trip canceled due to a storm. All the Christians suffering in the Middle East and China certainly had more important requests of our great Father.

But, does that mean that God doesn't care? I honestly don't think it does. I think God cares about everything we care about, and that means even my menial request to go have fun with our friends like we had planned.

It put our trip into perspective though. If it got canceled, we would deal with it. It would be fine. Our lives would not end. I said a prayer for the people throughout the world much worse off than me, turned on the Iowa game and hoped for the best.

It wasn't 90 minutes later, it was more like two hours, but we did take off. We did get to Denver safely, and we did have a fun weekend with our friends.

Thank you Lord for that blessing.

Although there isn't one in Denver, one of our absolute must-stop-at places when we're traveling anywhere there is one, is In-N-Out.

Their burgers and fries are so good. And that is coming from someone who doesn't really enjoy fast food, and who rarely finds it even worth it to eat out.

The sauce takes the cake, and I say that even though it is mayonnaise-based, and I don't like mayonnaise, in general.

So when I stumbled across a copycat recipe on Pinterest and paired it with my homemade hamburger buns, which were also an absolute game-changed for our house, I was excited to try it.

It is now my husband's favorite homemade burger.

We make our burgers pretty simple, with ground beef or ground venison, and sprinkled with salt and pepper. With this sauce, you don't need anything else. Top the burger with American cheese, this sauce, iceberg lettuce and place it on a grilled homemade bun.

I promise you won't be disappointed.

Copycat In-N-Out Burger Sauce
1/4 cup mayonnaise
2 Tbsp. ketchup
1/2 tsp. rice vinegar (you can use regular vinegar too)
1 Tbsp. dill relish (or chopped dill pickles)

Mix all the ingredients together and chill. Keep in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

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