Monday, November 9, 2020

God loves them

 I think in times of uncertainty, we often think the worst.

With the uncertainty of the election right now, I have thought the worst of what could happen to this country. My mind jumps ahead to religious persecution and destitution. Then I think, there are Christians all around the world who are in that right now. There were Christians throughout history who lived under tyrants, despots and those who did atrocious things to the faithful.

I have read many stories of Christians who not only stayed faithful during horrific times but also showed love to the leaders, soldiers and guards who hated them, beat them and even killed them.


Because God loves them.

I am currently editing a sermon my former pastor gave on Jesus' crucifixion, which is awful to try to edit or even read about, and he addressed the fact that God the Father didn't do anything while Jesus was put through such hell on Earth. He didn't smite all those involved.


Because God loved them.

He loved Judas. He loved Pilate. He loved Herod. He loved the Roman soldiers and the members of the Sanhedrin. He loved them so much that he wanted to save them from their sins but sending an atoning sacrifice, and the only perfect atoning sacrifice that could take the place of all those sins was the sacrifice of Jesus, God's own son.

But it wasn't just them. I am sinful. You are sinful. We all are sinful. We all deserve to die and spend eternity in hell, as far away from our perfect God as our mistakes have brought us. But we don't have to, because of God's grace.

Why did he give us that grace?

Because he loves us.

So when we are faced with people who hate us, who want to persecute us, who want to strip away our rights and freedoms, remember that God us and God even loves them. And it's up to us to show that love.

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