Wednesday, November 18, 2020

What organization doesn't thrive when it has two leaders?

If you know me, you know that I'm passionate about the traditional view of family with the woman as the helpmate to the husband, who is the leader. That's hard for a lot of women to accept, and I could go back to the fall of mankind and the curse that was placed on Eve to desire to be her husband's leader but I won't go into that right now --- well, beyond that. Instead, I want you to watch the video above and see Oscar's comments on the stupidity of a corporation having two branch managers.

"It doesn't take a genius to know that any organization thrives when it has two leaders. Go ahead, name a country that doesn't have two presidents, a boat that sets sail without two captains. Where would Catholicism be without the popes?"

It sounds absurd, doesn't it? A company with two CEOs? A country with two presidents? A boat with two captains? Duh, who would make the decisions?

So why, when we look at a family, is it so repulsive to think that there should be one person who is the head?

In the Christian view, the man is the head of the family, but that does not make the woman any less. Let me repeat that --- the man is the head of the family, but THAT DOES NOT MAKE THE WOMAN ANY LESS.

Charles Swindoll put it this way in his Living Insights commentary on Colossians: "...Christ serves as the perfect example. Though equal in nature to the Father, sharing in the same divinity, power, glory and authority, the Son submitted to the Father's will to accomplish God's plan of redemption, humbling himself in obedience."

That's what it means when a wife is supposed to submit to her husband.

The big issue is often pride. Christ, in humility, submitted himself to the will of the Father to die on the cross for the sins of mankind. He didn't say, "But I'm God. I'm too good to do something like that. I'm not lower than you, lower than mankind. I can make decisions myself."

Instead, he humbled himself in submission.

Wives, you're not a lowly woman who has to submit to her husband. You get to submit, to show yourself humble, to put your husband above yourself so that the will of God can rule in your family's life. You're not told to submit to any man; you're not to make yourself lower than men in general. You're to submit to your husband.

Wives are to be a helpmate, just like Eve was created to do. The President has his cabinet to help him make decisions, but in the end, he makes the decisions and is held responsible. The pope has cardinals and bishops to help in making decisions, but in the end, the pope makes decisions and is held responsible. The CEO of a company can consult with managers, vice presidents and other leaders, but in the end makes the decisions and is held responsible.

Wives, give your husband good counsel. But in the end, in humility, submit to God's plan and to your husband's leadership and let him make the decision. He will then be held responsible for that decision, both on Earth and in heaven, as the leader of your family.

Because a corporation doesn't run well with two leaders. A country doesn't run well with two leaders. A church doesn't run well with two leaders.

And neither does a family.

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