Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happy birthday!

It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks, from the death and funeral of my grandfather to my in-laws coming to stay for half a week.

I've spent the last few days recuperating from exhaustion!

This weekend, we get to celebrate my husband's 28th birthday. A couple of months ago he mentioned that he was turning 28, and the look on his face was comical. For some reason, 28 sounds old, at least to us! I know to people older than us, 28 still sounds quite young.

What better time to talk about how thankful I am for my husband than his birthday? When I debate about having children, I look at him and think about how thankful I am for my life with him, and not having children would mean that they wouldn't get to experience the joy and beauty of true, deep, meaningful love.

This week, his family brought some items from a drawer they had cleaned out in his room. We tried on his old glasses and laughed. We talked about his G.I. Joes. We flipped through old pictures of us from high school.

I loved Nate in high school. He was good looking, nice, funny, outgoing. However, what he was then is nothing compared to who he is today. It almost brings tears to my eyes as I think about how wonderful he is and how much he has grown through the years.

Nate is a true man. He is selfless, courageous, strong, godly, generous, fun-loving, hard-working, hilarious, sweet, caring, loving, forgiving and so much more.

When I look at him, my heart sometimes jumps and sometimes it just fills up with love. Sometimes when our eyes meet I just break out into a grin. 

At my grandpa's funeral, he was my rock. He didn't complain that we stood around for hours on end. He held me, stood by me, hugged me when I cried, tickled me after it all ended and I needed to laugh and break the tension. He was everything I needed.

We have grown and changed together, but it's all done nothing but bring us closer. I am so thankful for his birthday, the day that God brought this amazing man into the world.

Happy birthday honey. I love you so much, and I don't know what I'd do without you.

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