Monday, August 17, 2015

Cookies and cell phone screens

Getting ready for our fantasy NFL draft last night, I was going to make a giant cookie cake and decorate it like a football field.

I doubled the usual recipe, and since the usual recipe calls for a 9x9 round pan, I put the batter in a 9x13 pan. I let it cook nice and long and pulled it out when it was done.

"Are you sure that's done in the middle?" Nate asked.

"Yep, I checked it."

I let the cookie cool, and as it did, I slowly became concerned that it might not be as done as I thought. It was a thick cookie, and I cut it to make sure it was done but the goo at the bottom stared back at me.

"My cookie isn't done," I called up to Nate.

"What do you do?"

"I don't think there's anything I can do."

So I plopped the entire cookie into the garbage and worked on a second one with an hour to go before we were to meet at friend at a local restaurant/bar.

This time, I spread the cookie on a 16x16 pizza pan and it baked up quickly.

Before we left, Nate ran to the store and I finished up folding some laundry. He came back a few minutes later and asked me where my phone was because he tried calling me three times. I ran around the house trying to figure out where I had it, and finally stopped to think the last time that I had seen it.

"Oh no."

I ran outside, where it was pouring rain and found my phone sitting by the garden, where I had forgotten it while picking vegetables.

It was still on, and I took it apart to let it dry while we were gone. No harm, no foul. The phone still worked.

I put the phone back together and left the case on the counter when we went to bed. About 6 a.m., I woke up to a crash as my phone fell between the bed and wall and landed on the wood floor. I grabbed it and stuck it back under my pillow. Then I wanted to see how much time I had left to sleep, so I lit up the screen.

A bunch of black lines appeared over the icons and background. 


Nate looked at me with eyes half open, "what?"

I showed him my now-broken screen.

We both rolled over and went back to sleep.

Cookies, phones --- life happens, and we just have to deal with it.

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