Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Thank God for little movements

It seems interesting that a little more than a week ago, I was so worried about your presence because you certainly are starting to make yourself known.

I don’t just mean by my belly popping out, but you’re wiggling away inside it too.

It was about halfway through 16 weeks that I started to feel what seemed like someone randomly tapping me from the inside. However, sometimes that turned into gas, so I wasn’t sure if I was feeling you move.

Then, I felt an odd rolling sensation that made me lean the opposite direction and furrow my eyebrow. It took me a second before I smiled and realized that was the first distinct feeling that I had of the little human living inside my womb.

The taps and popping bubble sensations continued randomly, getting more and more common around 18 weeks.

That’s when, on Dec. 2, I was sitting in work and felt a couple of solid thuds in the lower lefthand portion of my abdomen.

Like many times before, I placed my hand on the spot and pressed gently, wondering if I could feel anything from the outside. I wasn’t really expecting anything because I had tried this many times in the past two weeks and felt nothing.

However, after a second, a solid thud made my abdomen push out where my hand rested.

A big smile crossed my face.

I felt you! It was for sure.

I called your daddy just to tell him that I knew for certain I felt you there for the first time.

At the doctor appointment that afternoon, there you were, waving those arms around, and blocking the doppler signal that was trying to see how fast your heart was beating. It sounded like waves rushing on top of the steady “thud thud thud” of your little beating heart.

Thank you Lord for the blessing of feeling this baby move.

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