Thursday, December 17, 2020

It's not Thanksgiving, but let's still be thankful

 What if you woke up today with only the things that you thanked God for yesterday?

As I was packing our house and unpacking our new apartment, I came across a couple of sayings that my mom had written down for me several years ago. She made a bookmark with the above statement, and I decided to keep it in my daily devotional book, because it makes me think.

What do I need to make sure that I'm thanking God for more regularly? What is right in front of me that I take for granted, that I would be sad if it weren't there tomorrow?

So this morning, I started off by thanking God for the things in my life I would be devastated if I didn't have.

Obviously, my little girl and my amazing husband. Our dog. Our home. Plenty of food in the refrigerator and warmth from the cold. For our salvation and the grace and forgiveness of Jesus. For breath and life, for a new day that is laid before me. For financial stability in hard times. For health. For an extended family that also knows the love of God.

If you were to truly thank God for everything that is good in your life, how long would it take you? It would take me hours! Perhaps that's why 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says "Pray without ceasing." We should be constantly taking note of what God has blessed us with, ask him how we can use that for others, pray for those we come across and continually be thanking God for what is in our lives.

One more sign that my mom made that is now hanging on our fridge reads, "Dear God, I just want to take a moment, not to ask for anything, but to simply say 'thank you' for all I have."

It's not Thanksgiving, but let's remember to be thankful for all that we have this season.

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