Friday, November 9, 2018

A church that preaches from the Word

I am thankful for a church that preaches from the Bible.

There are a lot of churches, a lot of pastors, a lot of ways to listen to preaching. You can go to church, you can listen to podcasts, you can watch sermons on TV, you can listen to the radio. With technology, it's unending the ways that you can experience the Word of God in our country.

Yet, I think it is rare to actually hear the Word of God being taught. A message may start with a verse or two, but it often that turns into what we can learn from the verse, how the pastor interprets it, how it can be put into practice, what we're doing wrong.

That's not all bad, but I have seen many messages turn into opinion instead of staying true to what Scripture says.

When we moved here, we had to find a church that we would both like. Coming from a non-denominational background and a Catholic background, we knew it may be hard to find a place that meshed our expectations.

Our church though has drawn us because of its dedication to preaching the Word of God.

The pastor doesn't just pick a random Scripture, we study books of the Bible. We don't study just themes, but we go verse by verse. We don't just look at a verse and interpret in today's language, our pastors go back to the original text to figure out what the verse originally meant. Why did the author write it? What was the original intent?

I have learned so much since we started attending our church, and it has also changed the way that I read the Bible.

There is so much to the Word of God that we miss when we just race through it or glaze over while reading.

I'm thankful for a church that inspires me to learn more and delve deeper.