Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We get what we give

I read a story on Fox News today about a woman who left her $12.5 million estate to her neighbor, just because the neighbor was nice to her.

The article said that older woman thought her family just wanted her money, but the neighbor bought groceries and helped with household chores. Normally, those simple actions wouldn't involve much, if any, money. However, the kind person received a wonderful reward just for being nice.


I read a book that said we should never forego an impulse to be generous. Sometimes I get impulses at weird times, and I don't always follow through because it just seems weird. Sometimes I offer and people reject, but I think that God expects us to at least offer ourselves as servants to others. The outcome is in his hands, but we will never know what blessings could come of something if we don't at least offer to help out.

This is the perfect season to think about giving. Hopefully it then leads to a habit that will last all year round.

During Christmas, gifts shouldn't be stressful. They should be a time that we can get excited about being blessings to someone else.

What we celebrate at Christmas is the fact that God gave Earth the greatest blessing, his son. He wanted to bless people and knew that this was the only way to give people a relationship with himself.

If God can give up his own son for people who rebel against him and even hate him, why can't we give a little something too? You never know what you'll receive in return.

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