Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Simple pleasures

1. Having someone to drive for you when your eyes start to droop.
2. Candlelight dinners of steak and corn on the cob.
3. A glass of wine while watching The Bachelorette (and the one you love loving you enough to watch it with you.)
4. Splitting a Hungry Hobo lunch with your mom and bringing it to your brother and dad at work.
5. Still being able to wear a dress I wore in high school and still impressing my boyfriend in it.
6. Looking at old pictures in my scrapbooks that I haven't seen in years.
7. Being close enough to walk to the grocery store.
8. A day that was supposed to be busy turning slow when interviews get postponed.
9. Ice cream sandwiches.
10. Crawling into bed over lunch break from work.

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