Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hearer vs. doer

I was struck in church on Sunday about the difference between the hearer and the doer.

A hearer knows all about the Bible, goes to church, reads Christian books, listens to Christian radio. Yet nothing ever changes.

A hearer is addicted to Christian warm fuzzies but doesn't want to do the sometimes painful weeding.

A hearer doesn't necessarily believe that God's law is good, that it is liberating.

A doer also knows all about the Bible, goes to church, reads Christian books, listens to Christian radio. Yet the doer puts what he learns into action.

A doer lets the Word of God confront him.

A doer knows they need a mirror every day, that they have reevaluate where they are at every single day.

The pastor said Christians often get comfortable when they encounter the Word every day. Sometimes they forget to put into practice what they learn.

Then I thought, Jesus is the Word. Do we really encounter him every day?

If I do, do I really notice? Do I hear and not listen? How do I become a doer?

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